Graphic Design

Dutch Design Daily

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New design identity Verkade

By 14-10-2021

Verkade chocolate is a name that can be spoken and carried out with pride. Trusted, good and tasty Dutch chocolate without all the fuss. With an iconic block that melts so deliciously slowly in your mouth.  Partly based on these insights, the design identity has changed significantly visually, but fits the real Verkade brand feeling better.

The distinctive Verkade logo is unchanged but the recognizable variant colors are richer and more flavorful in tone. The iconic Verkade cube is central from which a delicious slowly melting chocolate surface emerges. The variant name and flavour are shown in clean but modern typography. With a nice spot at the top for the cocoa percentage. And from a passive lying design to an active standing design to present the full range everywhere.

All around, the bar feels more ‘like being wrapped’ with clear communication on each side. As the initiator of Fairtrade chocolate in the Netherlands, this logo is once again proudly displayed on the packaging and the story behind it is further explained on the inside of the wrapper.

Finally, quality is also emphasized in the finish. The matted paper feels natural and modern and the chocolate gets more flavor thanks to the spot varnish. This also makes the logo, and actually the brand, sparkle again!

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